Materia Medica: Cinis
Photography, Sugar of milk, Virl, Book, Video installation, Pipe rack, Mixed media
Dimensions variable, 2017
Materia Medica: Cinis
Photography, Sugar of milk, Virl, Book, Video installation, Pipe rack, Mixed media
Dimensions variable, 2017
Materia Medica: Cinis
Photography, Sugar of milk, Virl, Book, Video installation, Pipe rack, Mixed media
Dimensions variable, 2017
Materia Medica: Cinis
Photography, Sugar of milk, Virl, Book, Video installation, Pipe rack, Mixed media
Dimensions variable, 2017
Materia Medica: Cinis
Photography, Sugar of milk, Virl, Book, Video installation, Pipe rack, Mixed media
Dimensions variable, 2017
Materia Medica: Cinis
Photography, Sugar of milk, Virl, Book, Video installation, Pipe rack, Mixed media
Dimensions variable, 2017
Materia Medica: Cinis
Photography, Sugar of milk, Virl, Book, Video installation, Pipe rack, Mixed media
Dimensions variable, 2017
Materia Medica: Cinis
Photography, Sugar of milk, Virl, Book, Video installation, Pipe rack, Mixed media
Dimensions variable, 2017
작품 Materia Medica: Cinis (2017)는 약을 제조하는 과정을 촬영한 영상과 그 결과물인 알약으로 구성된다. 이 약의 원료는 화재사고가 있었던 현장에서 채집한 '재'이며, 이 재는 분쇄와 희석의 과정을 거쳐 작은 알약으로 탄생한다. 약의 제조방식은 동종요법(Homeopathy)의 원리를 토대로 이루어진다. 동종요법은 독으로 독을 치유한다는 이독제독(以毒制毒)의 원리를 담고 있는데, 나는 이것이 육체뿐만 아니라 정신적인 상처를 극복하는 태도와도 관련이 있다고 생각했다. 때때로 화재사고와 같은 개인 혹은 집단의 비극은 자의 반 타의 반으로 망각되기 마련인데 그 이유는 모두 잊고 싶어하기 때문이다. 망각은 잠시나마 상처를 축소하고 은폐하지만 오히려 치유되지 못한 채로 남게 한다. 나는 화재사고현장에서 수집한 재로 약을 제조함으로써, 두려움과 슬픔을 받아들이는 것만이 진정한 치유의 시작임을 얘기하고자 한다.
글. 백정기 (작가)
Materia Medica: Cinis (2017) consists of a video of the process of manufacturing a drug and the pills which are the result of the process. The raw material of this drug is ‘ashes’ collected from the site of an accidental fire, and the ashes are turned into small pills through a process of pulverization and dilution. The method of manufacturing the medicine is based on the principle of homeopathy. The key philosophy behind homeopathy is the idea that like cures like (以毒制毒), which I see as being related not only to our body but also to our attitude, which can determine whether we overcome psychological wounds. An individual or collective tragedy such as a fire is bound to be forgotten, half-willingly and half not, because all of us want to forget it. This forgetting may reduce and cover up a wound for a moment, but ultimately leaves the wound unhealed. By manufacturing medicines out of the ashes collected from the site of an accidental fire, I am trying to say that true healing can only begin with our acceptance of fear and sorrow.
by Jungki Beak (Artist)